Pimple Ball
Pimple Ball

Pimple Ball

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The original Pimple Ball is now back after more than 40 years and we've got them!


If you lived in and around a major city in the 1950's and 1960's you probably played halfball all day long. In fact you probably thought you invented halfball. 

Halfball began when a group of kids were playing a stickball game and the white pimple ball split in half. Having no money for a new ball, the boys started throwing the ball at each other. All of a sudden one of the halfballs began to float toward the batter like a flying saucer. Legend has it that the batter doubled off a triple decker. Halfball was born. 

The game still flourishes today in many cities and neighborhoods across the country, and in the memories of those of us who don't swing so hard anymore.